West Main will not publish a newsletter this week, so here are announcements.
Here are upcoming events: SHERRY PRICE celebrated her 16th anniversary as West Main's Communication Director on January 10. Sherry is also our WEE Center Director. BUSINESS MEETING - Wednesday, January 18 - 6:30. We will conduct normal business but will vote on a proposal to purchase the house at 460 West Main Street. CONGRATULATIONS to Matt and Shelly Switick on the birth of their first child, William. ECHO Bowling Outing - January 25 - 1:00 P.M. - Sign up on the list on the bulletin board in the vestibule. WOMEN'S BOOKS STUDIES BEGIN next week. Held at church. Led by Jennifer Clatterbuck. Book: Shauna Neiquist's Present over Perfect Morning meeting: Monday, 12:30-2 Evening meeting: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 WEDNESDAY WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY - Wednesdays at 9:15, in the parlor. Two-week of sessions on John 3:1-11 Led by Bruce Wilson |